Friday, 22 February 2013

Is it time to think about increasing your speed?

As time moves on, technology improves and we all embrace new developments in the world of IT.

The way we communicate changes too, with the increase of social networking being used for not only personal relationships, but as a way of promoting your business. These are very powerful marketing tools which everyone should embrace if they want to success and stay ahead of the competition.

It is also becoming clear that the Internet is vital to the way we do business, with many software applications and storage solutions being migrated to the 'Cloud'.

People now need the ability to access their information and documents wherever they happen to be as modern day living has created a demand for this kind of flexibility.

To this end, many businesses have invested heavily in their internet connectivity, often installing super fast and reliable leased lines, and quite rightly too. But over time their speed requirements grow and many have been fearful that the cost of doing so would be prohibitive. However, having looked at a few examples it might not cost as much as you think.

Take one of our customers as an guide. They're currently paying £300 per month for a 10Mbp/s an internet leased line. This guarantees them a synchronous and uncontended service , along with an excellent service level agreement. However, due to their business growth they now require much more bandwidth so as to cope with their additional staff and new cloud based software application.

So to cut a medium story shot, we upgraded them to a full 100Mbp/s, which is 10 times faster that what they  previously had, and what was the new price I hear you ask.........?

Only £500 per month.

Yes, you read that correctly - 10 TIMES FASTER for only only £200 more per month.

So maybe now is the time to be re-evaluating your requirements and asking your ISP (or preffereably us), to quote you for upgrading the speed of your internet connections so that it can give you what you need.

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